DIYChemicals Ethylene Glycol – CAS# 107-21-1
Also known as EG, or by its IUPAC name: ethane-1,2-diol, is a commodity chemical that has a variety of hobbyist and industry uses across the United States. If you are looking to buy Ethylene Glycol, you have come to the right place. When you purchase Ethylene Glycol from DIYChemicals, it will be packaged at our warehouse with the utmost care and quality procedures. You will receive a pure, affordable packaged product – without compromising on quality.
- Buy Ethylene Glycol in multiple packaged sizes ranging from 1 Pint to 220-Gallons.
- Used in various chemical, industrial, heat transfer, and coolant manufacturing applications.
- Satisfaction guaranteed, made in the USA; packaged in Texas!
- Want larger sizes? Visit our sister site
DIYChemicals Ethylene Glycol is an effective compound used in major industries, such as heating, cooling, automotive, and textiles. Ethylene Glycol is used within many formulations for heat-transfer, anti-freeze, creating polyester fibers and resins, hydraulic brake fluids, stamp pad inks, ballpoint pens, solvents, paints, plastics, films, and more. But remember, you could do everything correctly in your work, but still have a bad finished product if you use low quality starting components. That is why no matter what formula or work you are doing, it is important to purchase pure, quality, raw materials. Buy Ethylene Glycol from DIYChemicals today!
Important Notice: This product is not intended for food, pharmaceutical, or personal care applications.
DIYChemicals Carries Other Chemicals Too!
DIYChemicals also carries other general chemicals on our website. If you are a hobbyist, small business, or professional – look no further than our website for a wide selection of chemicals, solvents, surfactants, acids, bases and other chemicals. For safety questions, MSDS, and documentation on the chemicals we carry – feel free to email us at [email protected]
We also private label and bottle chemicals with our company Chemfulfill. If you are a business needing bottling or chemical storage, contact us today.
Safety Information: Please refer to the free Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for detailed information on the safe handling and potential hazards of Ethylene Glycol.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is for reference purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified professional before using this product in your specific application.
Elijah Gill (verified owner) –
Takes a little to arrive but is exactly what you expect. Very good service and very high quality!
James (verified owner) –
Very prompt service!!
admin (store manager) –
Hi Mark,
We will ship you two replacement gallons. We were unable to find your emails requesting a replacement, so we are thankful you posted here. Keep an eye out for the tracking info. Should ship today or tomorrow the latest.