DIYChemicals n-Butyl Alcohol – CAS# 71-36-3
Also known as 1-Butanol, n-butyl alcohol, or by its IUPAC name: butan-1-ol, is a commodity chemical that has a variety of hobbyist and industry uses across the United States. If you are looking to buy n-Butanol, you have come to the right place. When you purchase n-Butanol from DIYChemicals, it will be packaged at our warehouse with the utmost care and quality procedures. You will receive a pure, affordable packaged product – without compromising on quality.
- Buy n-Butanol in multiple packaged sizes ranging from 1 Pint to 220-Gallons.
- Used in various chemical, industrial, manufacturing, and solvent applications.
- Satisfaction guaranteed, made in the USA; packaged in Texas!
- Want larger sizes? Visit our sister site
DIYChemicals n-Butanol is an effective compound used in major industries, such as automotive, construction, home improvement, and cosmetics. n-Butanol is used within many formulations as a solvent for fats, waxes, shellacs, resins, gums, and varnish. It is also used in making hydraulic fluids, brake fluids, repellents, and cosmetics – and food grade n-butanol is used in certain medications for animals. But remember, you could do everything correctly in your work, but still have a bad finished product if you use low quality starting components. That is why no matter what formula you are using, it is important to purchase pure, quality, raw materials. Buy n-Butanol from DIYChemicals today!
Important Notice: This product is not intended for food, pharmaceutical, or personal care applications.
DIYChemicals Carries Other Chemicals Too!
DIYChemicals also carries other general chemicals on our website. If you are a hobbyist, small business, or professional – look no further than our website for a wide selection of chemicals, solvents, surfactants, acids, bases and other chemicals.
We also private label and bottle chemicals with our company Chemfulfill. If you are a business needing bottling or chemical storage, contact us today.
Safety Information: Please refer to the free Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for detailed information on the safe handling and potential hazards of n-Butanol Alcohol.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is for reference purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified professional before using this product in your specific application.
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